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About Our Practice

Do you, your horse, or a pet suffer from soreness in the back, from stiffness, arthritic conditions, ligament, tendon, muscle or bone injury, decreased range of motion or poor... circulation?


• PEMF (Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field) Therapy is widely used on humans and on horses to speed up recovery times, increase healing, and provide a happy healthy life!

• PEMF therapy regenerates damaged and diseased tissue, repairs torn tendons and fractured bones.

• PEMF therapy enhances the synthesis of protein in the cells, allowing the body to take advantage of all the protein available.

• PEMF therapy improves circulation, not by increasing heartbeat or blood pressure, but by opening and dilating the arteries and capillaries. This also reduces swelling!

• PEMF therapy increases the cellular level of oxygen absorption. Studies have shown that oxygen partial pressure can be increased by 200%. This reduces pain associated with lack of sufficient oxygen. Also, insufficient oxygen in the cells causes lactic acid buildup under strenuous exercise.

• PEMF therapy is particularly effective in getting to deep muscle soreness because of its deep penetration.

Our Team

• The body's natural magnetic field. This is created by the flow of electrically charged ions in and out of cells and the transmission of electric impulses through cell membranes. Only Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field (PEMF) force and not static magnets can influence electrical changes on a cellular level within the body for cell metabolism to be influenced. In addition static magnets only create continuous low levels of magnetic induction. The EquiPulse device delivers a very short duration, high intensity magnetic pulse. This results in a PEMF which penetrates completely through joints and muscles for a complete therapy!

• Time Needed for Therapy. Specific problem areas of the body only need to be massaged for 10-20 minutes per session!

• Published, scientific studies abound for pulsed magnetic field therapy. PEMF has been FDA approved and widely used in the treatment of human delayed bone fractures for over a decade, and there is a growing body of literature addressing the positive biological and clinical effects of this energy. A recent study using pulsed magnetic fields reminds us that in clinical studies done over 17 years, over millions of patients have been treated safely with PEMF.

Now you can use this therapy on YOURSELF and YOUR horses too!

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